Alternatiewe Nuusportaal / Alternative News Portal

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adjunk-President by Menseregtekommissie verkla

Geskryf deur TLU SA

Die Adjunk President, Mnr Kgalema Motlanthe, is by die Menseregtekommissie verkla na aanleiding van sy uitspraak dat talle plaasaanvalle die gevolg is van gebelgde buitelandse werkers wat nie deur boere betaal word nie en dat die wetstoepassers kort voor betaaldag ingeroep word om die werkers te arresteer.

Die president van TLU SA, Mnr Ben Marais sê dat die adjunk president se standpunt nie op bewese feite gegrond is nie en dat dit die klimaat skep vir toenemende aanvalle op boere en hul gesinne en werknemers. Die databasis tot TLU SA se beskikking dui daarop dat die gearresteerdes selde bekend is aan die slagoffers en dat vreemdelinge talle onskuldige slagoffers aanval.

Die klag van TLU SA by die Menseregtekommissie lui as volg:






The media quoted the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Kgalema Motlanthe on 27 – 30 November 2009 as follows:

"Some of the most brutal farm murders are committed by foreign nationals, who were brutally exploited and made to toil without any remuneration. The day when they demand remuneration, they are reported (by farmers) to the law enforcement units and are duly arrested and are sent back to their countries of origin.

"Of course, they come back and they go back and commit the most horrendous murders. This is why we need to condemn those who take advantage of foreign nationals in this fashion," he said.

(Sibusiso Ngalwa, IOL 30 November 2009)


TAU SA seriously doubts whether the deputy president had any factual proof at his disposal which could form the basis of his accusation. Based on the information in TAU SA’s data base (which includes a detailed list of farm attacks and farm murders), no such information reflects the accusation contained in the deputy president’s statement

As such, the unfounded accusation affects the vast majority of farmers (if not all) not guilty of malpractice but who may become the victims of senseless violent attack and / or murder.

This complies with the specification and prescription in Sec 184 of the South African Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, dealing with the functions of the South African Human Rights Commission and in particular with Sec 184 (2) (b) and (c).

It remains the belief of TAU SA that the deputy president’s statement could incite further violence in retribution for perceived maltreatment of employees, that it advocates hatred of a specific racial and economic group and that it constitutes incitement to do harm. As such it reflects insensitivity and bigotry and consequently implies that farmers are to be despised, scorned, denied respect and made subject to intimidation, ill-treatment and violent crime on the basis of group affiliation.


The Commission is requested to investigate the charge and to make a finding.

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